Gotta stay on target! I have 51 days left. And 23 items left on my list. I'm running one my 5k's tomorrow (although I'll probably walk a lot). And I want to definitely go to church this weekend too.
30 Before 30 Bucket List:
1. Learn to make Grandma Burch's chocolate pie.
2. Visit my sister in NYC.
3. Go to Hawaii and see my friend Heidi.
Trip is booked!!!
4. Revamp my iPod library.
5. Go to church once per month (minimum).
September – went 2 times
6. Go hiking in the mountains.
7. Enjoy a concert date with husband.
8/21 – Zac Brown Band
8. Eat out at 3 new restaurants a month (new to me).
8/5 – Burger Co.
8/17 – Ellas Seafood
8/20 – PioPio
8/22 – Park 51 Café
10/3 – The Rusty Bucket
10/5 – Creole’s
10/26 - Tai Basil
10/27 - Fresh Wrap9. Jog on the beach. (Ocean Isle or Hawaii)
8/14 Ocean Isle
8/15 Ocean Isle
10. Spend a rainy day at home watching movies all day.
11. Babysit a baby.
12. Order my wedding album.
13. Change a tire.
14. Run two 5k races.
10/23 - 4.Niner 5k
15. Host a PaperConcierge party at my house.
16. Reconnect with old college friends. (Alicia’s wedding, call Beth, Megan, Laura, see Meera in NYC)
- drinks with Joe 8/13
- Alicia’s wedding 10/1
17. Make and continue the habit of 2 fitness classes per week.
Accomplished – weeks 7/18, 7/25, 8/2, 8/9, 8/16 was 1 class & 2 jog outside ... I stopped
counting, but I have been working out regularly, just not always in a class setting.
18. Give blood again.
19. Go fishing with my dad. (when he visits NC)
20. Have a girls weekend away.
7/23 – Courtney’s Cabin
21. Have a 'just because' party in the fall.
22. Stop biting my nails.
23. Visit an NC winery.
24. Watch a sunrise. (Hawaii)
25. Go on a picnic date with husband.
26. No fast food for an entire month. (Starting 9/16.)
27. See a drive-in movie.
28. Play tennis ... LOL, attempt to play tennis.
29. Eat vegetarian for a week. (when michael is out of town)
30. Take a Zumba class.