Jul 15, 2010

My DIY fabric wrapped glasses

Above Photo & Products courtesy of KL Designs

The first time I saw this idea in person I was at The Buttercup in Charlotte, NC. They were selling wine glasses wrapped and sealed with a Lilly P. fabric for $20 each! I thought that was a little steep, so I set out to make my own version. I did some googling and came across this blog The College Prep and her rendition of lilly shot glasses (click here for link to her directions). Of course if you're not in to girly patterns, you can pick out whatever fabrics and colors suit you.

I decided to try them on my own. They aren't perfect, but I still love them. I'd like to find out how KL Designs gets hers so perfect looking. Maybe she'll share her secret ... probably not.

Here's my step by step for making your own fabric wrapped glasses. Or you can follow College Preps instructions linked above.

Glasses (styles without curves are easiest). I got my glasses from Ikea.
Fabric (basic cotton works well)
Mod Podge
Fine grain sand paper
Scissors or rotary cutter and mat
Optional - Painters tape or masking tape (see step 5)

1. Measure the length and width that you want for your fabric wrap. Then cut. You might want to make one end angled in so that the ends hide underneath to top fabric in the middle.
2. Apply a thin amount of Mod Podge to the fabric using the sponge. Rinse sponge when done.
3. Put the fabric strip around the glass (it will hold with the glue). Quickly align the fabric to the placement that you like before it dries.
4. Allow to dry for at least an hour.
5. Sponge on a 2nd layer of Mod Podge over the fabric and edge of the fabric. If you have a steady hand, just be careful around the edges to keep it looking clean. You have to seal the top, bottom and middle (where fabrics meet) to make sure it will hold. You might want to consider using tape (painters or masking) to create a guide and reduce sloppiness. The tape can peel away when the project is complete to give a clean line.
6. Repeat steps 4 &5 until you have about 5 layers of glue.
7. Dip your sand paper in a small amount of water and gently sand away the graininess of the glue. This will smooth out all the rough spots.
8. Only hand wash the glasses. Never put them in the dishwasher. My dad did by accident and the fabric pulled right off from the steam.

Finished results a la Katie ....

1 comment:

Suz said...

These look awesome & so cute! I'm very impressed. I'm going to save this post for a day I'm feeling crafty!