Jul 22, 2010

BackToSchool - Labels for just about anything

Hey Moms,

Thinking about Back to School time yet? No worries, PaperConcierge has a lot to offer and I'm here to help! Keep your kids' gear and books safe from the lost and found box at school. No matter the age or personality, these labels will work for labeling school books, supplies, lunch boxes, etc... I love the Espadrille Bright below for a girl going off to college! These stickers can be labelled in lots of different ways.

Boatman Geller - Football

Boatman Geller - Espadrille Bright

Boatman Geller - Sports Girl

Whitney English - Madras Patch Blue

1 comment:

Imjustagirl said...

LOVE IT!! Would you mind if I posted something similar?